Monday, April 6, 2020

Social Distancing

While Philadelphian's keeps their distance between individuals and leave home only for essentials, glad perennials from last year are emerging from the soil and fall planted bulbs. Not being able to go out to garden centers is unsettling but necessary. I ordered plants from 3 online nurseries last fall but don't know when they'll arrive given the situation.

Exhibition sized hyacinths lived up to their size with huge blooms that must be stalked. The pink forget me not is holding on. Planted in march along with the pansies during my last visit to the garden center. Don't know when they'll be allowed open for business again.

Muscari. Planted a large patch of crocus here also but squirrels soon devoured them after planting. Not one was left.
Lambs ear is always beautiful.

I planted more tulips than remembered. That's what happens when catalog's start to arrive. Then I have to find places to plant them now that I haven't put them in the yard the past couple of years due to critters eating them.

Can't remember what color they were, hopefully red and orange. I love orange tulips. Soon to be followed by red and orange zinnia seedlings growing inside.

Bright sun and they're wide open. Hopefully I'll have a few more days of them because they just opened and usually don't seem to open as fully the first few days. Can't understand why. Still glad to have them.

Lily emerged and vinca blooms. I hate vinca. This crawled into my flower bed from my neighbor's. One year soon, I'll remove it. It's covered a shrub that can barely be seen.

This is the third year for my native honey suckle. Will it bloom this year?

Knew better than to plant allium near scattered shade seeds. Maybe they'll survive.

On the porch. My seat along with the yard while I'm home bound. Haven't finished my chair cushions yet, soon.

The fabric was cut 2 weeks ago, just have to sew it and see if the cover fits.

Bought when the first spring bulbs arrived. Will plant them after the tulips finish blooming.

Glad I got soil before the lock down. I have tomato and pepper seedlings to bring outside soon

City of Harlem hyacinths were beautiful but now starting to finish up. I loved them and will order again for fall.

Cleaned up a bag of stuff from the porch to put out today.

Didn't plan on a Fourth of July them but...

Hardy Chicago Fig has survived. Thought it was dead.

Agapanthus. I wonder if they bloom the first year.

The last 3 amaryllis bulbs planted before the dry up. I left them on the porch for a long time probably too long.

Last summers container hydrangea budding out.

Finally planted. Purchased 2 last fall at the end of season sale. Will do that again this year. I got some good plants at extremely discount prices.

Romaine lettuce with dill and tout lettuce seeds also planted.

Snap dragons and pansies.

Oxalis returning. Went dormant this winter. I took out the bulbs and added new soil.

Up sized some of the seedlings. Coleus, cat mint, and lupin shown.



White blooming hyacinth been vine.

Why is this tiny phlox blooming.


Sad foxgloves. Second sowing also didn't do well. I'm doing to leave them in this closed container and see how far I can get them.

For tomato seedlings up sized potted.

Two basket flower seedlings. Hardy seedlings.

Have to get to these 2 tangled pots.

I transplanted 3 sunflower seedlings. Don't need many because the flower bed is small. Some dwarf ones haven't germinated but they were old seeds. I'll try again with them on a wet paper towel.


  1. I haven't planted my zinnia seeds just yet, but I have planted my tithonia indoors. You go in for those Hyacinths in a big way! They are gorgeous. Love the fragrance. I also have Vinca, inherited from former owners, but I've made my peace with it.

  2. Hyacinths are one of my favorites. This year I didn't force any indoors but fall will be here soon enough and I can then. Planted out my zinnias too soon and a late frost killed them although I covered them. Won't make this mistake next spring. Direct sowed some and they're coming along nicely. Tithonia is beautiful. Did you plant your zinnia seeds?


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