Sunday, June 7, 2020

Blooms End of May/June

The blooms on my amaryllis finished and are now followed by new emerging buds. These flower stalks were cut off. They were beautiful.
A picture of amaryllis blooming inside the house. Four blooms, two starting to die. It bloomed in winter so I was surprised to see a flower stalk shoot up.

Hydrangea, peppers, and snapdragons near the window. The snapdragons were trashed. Couldn't figure out where the white flies were coming from until I picked them up. Had to do and took my container eggplant with it which also had aphids. I normally don't have this much trouble with insects on the plants on the porch. I've been treating them organically. Hopefully I can still get some cherry tomatoes and peppers although the first blooms fell off the peppers before I could hand pollinate them. With all the insects including, bees, lady bugs, and flies that visit the porch I thought they'd pollinate it.

Who doesn't love blue hydrangeas.

My new lilac smelled wonderful. It's ashamed they bloom for such a short time. Attracted varieties of bees I've never seen to the porch. Can't wait until next spring. This March at the Philadelphia Flower I bought a vial of lilac oil. Doesn't compare to the real thing. Will eventually put in a larger pot. I believe they like sun and on the porch and out front are the only sunny spots. My plan, hardy blooming shrubs that'll grow in containers and fruit trees for the sun porch. That can stay there all winter. My Chicago fig is doing well and will probably need a larger pot next spring. Possibly a rose would do well on the sun porch also. I'll be looking for one with pretty color, yellow, peach, or orange.

Alliums earlier in May but, they're huge now. I've planted them before but this variety continued to increase in size once opened.

Self sown digitalis from last years seedlings that were yellow that turned to white like these, purple, and pink. Seeds sown this past winter didn't make it. Hopefully they'll drop seeds again but I won't get blooms until the following year unless I try sowing some this winter that bloom the first year and aren't biannual. 
Blue wild indigo (Baptisia) is beautiful in it's 3rd year. Guess it's true that perennials sleeping the first year, creep the second, and leap the third. Certainly has been true for mine.

Lambs ear blooming.
Native honeysuckle is also in it's 3rd year and finally decided to bloom. Purchased from Select Seeds.

Aster, lambs ear, and larkspur and lilies which should bloom next. What a pretty color.

Salvia and nasturtiums. Waiting for the to bloom. If they bloom. This pot has been knocked over 3 times not by me and needed repotting. 

White pollen on the digitalis from a bee inside a flower.

Bee balm and balloon flower hopefully to soon be in bloom.

Fuchsia 4 starts from select seeds. They don't drape down like I expected and they've been attached by aphids. If I get the aphids under control the pot will over winter indoors.

Poka dot plant. I bought 4, now what to do with them. They're such divas. Miss one watering and they look dead.

The blooms name is Callie.

Snapdragons, liatris, and asters. From the produce market today. Today is the first day I've been there since social distancing. It may be Autumn before I return again. Will still try to avoid crowds.

Beautiful blooms on the begonia.
 I've never had much success starting them from tubers and stopped buying them. Instead, instant gratification. Will take it indoors this fall and let it go dormant and hope it'll return in spring.

Hibiscus purchased today 3 for $10.00's. I bought one and the mandevilla below, white blooming.

From the window. I have to get into the yard and plant some orders delivered from Bloom box before they die. We had 3 days of rain that helped. After spring ephemerals and the phlox bloomed, most of the plants are green. Added a container of begonias and creeping Jenny and some impatiens. Have to plant lugularia (the Rocket), garden phlox, one foxglove, and 4 other shade blooming perennials.

Have to plant these.

The canopy until Autumn.

Going to try lambs ear in shade. Wish me luck.

Peony didn't bloom. Trying to fertilize it every month and see if I get blooms in spring. In early spring the yard does get enough sun for it to bloom before the canopy arrives. Don't think it's planted too deep. I had so many blooms once it weight it down.

I miss the delicate blooms on the Solomon's seal.

My rose in the shade hasn't given me it's yearly 2 roses. I fertilized her to see if maybe more blooms will develop. It's nice and healthy no black spot or aphid. And for a change nothing is eating it.
Have to plant the cardinal flower and bee balm below. Supposed they can take some shade? They're kind of tiny so I may let them get larger before transplanting in the ground.

Bee Balm

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