Friday, August 7, 2020

Sunflower Views

Summer belongs to sunflowers and zinnias.

Bird discovered the sunflowers and have started eating. First they picked off each petal then began with the seeds. One sunflower plant with 12 open flowers and more to open. I sowed some chocolate colored ones for fall that I ordered. Have you been ordering seeds. I have before they're sold out again. Also ordered 3 house plants. Will show you what I ordered when they arrive. And can't forget bulbs. Ordered more than I'm going to want to plant once again. But when spring arrives I'll appreciate them.

Balloon flowers didn't do too well this summer. Over crowding. That's what happens when you only have one sunny flower bed and you want to plant everything.

Dead headed the foxgloves and I have a small seedling for the 3rd year. I sprinkled many seeds but haven't seen any other tiny seedling yet.

Learned that yarrow likes moist soil.

Heuchera burn from the sun. Awaiting her orange autumn color soon.

Just noticed that some tiny zinnias have survived. When will they bloom. Supposedly they are only 4 inches in height but full sized blooms. Time will tell.

Going to need to attach something to the brisk for the honeysuckle to trail on. It's now taller than it's trellis.

Annual salvia and Heirloom Cosmos Chocamocha  from Select Seeds, circa 1879. It develops a tap root like dahlias and it's recommended  you over wintering it indoors as it's not hardy.

Blooming well all summer.

A native perennial. Can't remember it's name. Ordered from Bloom Box. Can't wait to see what it does next summer.

Vinca needs to be cut before it reaches the steps.

Blooms have slowed down with the heat.

Can you believe a gourd throw among the ivy last fall germinated. Thought it was too shaded. Lots of blooms but no pollination. If I got 1 gourd I'd be so excited.

My watermelon coleus seedling turned out beautiful.
Cardinals from my yard have also discovered the berries from the honey suckle. I was surprised to see them in the front of the house.

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