Monday, April 12, 2021

Spring Bulbs

Hyacinths weighed down by their heavy heads. Pollinators are loving the early blooms.

Through the bedroom window. Tulips and hyacinths are pretty this year in the window box although I can't remember where I ordered these from. I'll look back at my receipts on the computer because I want them again for next spring.

Some of the plastic is still attached to the bulbs. That's what happens when you wait to late to remove it before they emerge. I'll pull these after they finish and allow the hosta to continue emerging. Then plant some impatiens probably that I'm waiting for from Burpee. Supposedly the are a new type that don't get downy mildew.

Last years alliums returned and some narcissus yet to bloom.
The flower bed is filling out. Some perennials have not emerged and to think I've bought dahlias and other plants waiting. They'll squeeze in here some how. I found a nursery that sells the type of stones that make up my boarder. Hopefully I'll pick some out and have them delivered this summer so the boarder can look more neat and uniform. Would be nice to have a professional brick flower bed done. Maybe in the future.

Hyacinths have finished blooming on the sunporch and tulips are in bloom. My container bulbs have done well. So have the containers I did for my daughter's apartment balcony.

From Bloom Box waiting to be planted. The large leaves are foxgloves. Where are they going to go?
Oxalis, helitrope that smells wonderful but is deadly to animals so I have to get it off the porch because I have a cat. Two maiden hair wire vines. It's not even summer. I have to behave and stop buying stuff.

Oxalis that gets delicate yellow blooms. Spring is a beautiful time of year. Arthritis has stopped my neighborhood strolls to see the trees in bloom. But this year I did ride through the park and get to see the beautiful site of all the cherry blossom trees in bloom. What a beautiful sight. In Philly their peak was last weekend.

Petunia seedlings starting to bloom still under lights. Probably the only seedlings not attached by fungus gnats from the soil I used to transplant them. Bad decision. Normally I use seed starting mix when repotting so I haven't had a problem with gnats in years. Won't happen again. Destroyed my gloriosa daisies that were so large, the salvia, and now my amaranth. I moved the amaranth to the sun porch in the hope they'll survive until I move them to the flower bed. They're a nice size. My geraniums are still tiny probably from gnat larva in the soil eating the roots although I treated all the plants. I'll show some pictures of them soon. Still have coleus, a few begonias, primrose which has surprised me and doing well, and pansies. I still have a tangle of snapdragons that I did not treat well. I can try again in winter.


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