Sunday, July 18, 2021


Our summer has been brutal. Hot, hot, hot. Today, actually beautiful and cooler after a evening thunder storm. The garden must have sighed and was thankful for the rain water.

Quite a sight. Wasn't sure I liked the flower bed this year. Cleaned it up some and stood up and stalked perennials knocked down from the rain. Stalked 2 sunflowers that self seeded. They're short but I'll take it. In a tiny spot of bear soil I direct sowed some zinnia seeds. Would love to see some before winter. Topped off the foxgloves with seed stalks and placed in a paper bag to keep. I shook some on top of the soil as this usually gives me new seedling for spring.

Nicotenia started from seed is taller than me. I had to tie it back because it was in my face and anyone entering the house. It would be nice if this one was aromatic but not. I have a white one in the flower bed that's scented. I'll have to plan to put the white near the door next spring for it's fragrance. The are so easy to grow from seed but take up a lot of space with huge leaves and tall plants.

I love the verbena a tall variety. Looks cottagey. Ordered seeds for next season today. Bought this one from Bloom Box. Guess I should have tried to save seeds from this one. We'll see if I'm successful with this at the end of the season when the blooms dry.

Self sown sunflowers are tiny. I sowed some today for fall. Hopefully some will make it.

Bee balm and the other nicotenia. Mixed in somewhere is balloon flower which is not liking the crowded flower bed.

Summer is not summer without lilies although these are not native I still love them. I ordered some seeds for starting indoors this winter. Salvias, rudbeckias, verbena, and for the first time angelonia. Sowed foxgloves on the sun porch a week ago. The tiny seedlings have emerged. Maybe I can get them to a decent size and plant them outdoors in the fall and maybe have blooms next spring. We shall see. Ordered my spring bulbs months ago. It won't be long before we're planting them.


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