It's been a while.
Lack of interest on my part to take pictures. There was also technical difficulty with my computer and camera. These pictures were mostly taken with my cell phone, some with an old digital camera. Spring arrived but our weather has been crazy from heat to freezing weather even snow.
The shade planter. Added Autumn and native maidenhair fern, my chocolate mint coleus and another purple ruffled coleus, and finally nettle that has pink blooms. Until the pansies start to look bad. Then I'll add my dragon wing begonia seedlings and some impatiens.
The Broom bush. Invasive and banned in some places due to fires. It was loaded with buzzing bees and has been in bloom for several weeks. I wish the blooms could last all season. |
I squeezed in some seeds which may take a while to germinate. |
My allium heads are small this year for some reason. The heads are usually large. Don't know what happened this year. |
That's supposed to be a peach foxglove not yellow and I prefer the tall ones. The foxgloves that I grew from seed reseeded for years and were tall. But for some reason they didn't come back this year. This disappointed me. I'll start some seedlings hopefully this summer. Next to the foxglove is a holly hock. This is it's second years so it should bloom this year. |
I have seedlings coming up that must have self sown. Some look like zinnias and annual salvia. Nice to get volunteers. The small purple flower is stock. |
My narcissus are finishing. They were beautiful in the container when fresh and in the second floor window box. Dahlia tubers planted in the blue container.
Plant mail waiting for me after work. I put my bag on the chair, swept the sidewalk and opened my mail. Blueberry I thing Top Hat. Self pollinating and supposedly small and good for containers. My Chicago Hardy Fig Died over the winter.
Tulip Tom Pounce. I think I spelled it's name correctly.
Viola Etain |
Planted in my daughter's window box.
Amaryllis from November finally planted. I have one more that needs planting. |
Fragrant ginger from Easy To Grow Bulbs. I also ordered the edible tumeric type, gloriosa lilies, and freesias. |
One nice sized gloriosa lily and a smaller one. The blooms will be yellow. |
Earlier pictures of tomatoes which are much larger now and ready to go outside this weekend. Three went to my neighbor. |
My seedlings did well this winter except for nasturtiums. Only 3 plants out of many sowed. I direct sowed a package where I want them yesterday. Salvia seedlings that started to bloom indoors along with red petunias. |
Cabbages, nasturtiums, and 3 coleus chocolate mint. The coleus are normal sized now and outdoors in my container. I let all of the cabbages die except 3. They could have been transplanted outside in March. |
Swiss Chard Seedlings |
Peppers before spider mites. |
Dragon wing begonia seedlings. Verbena Officinalis, gomphrena, and nicotiana seedlings were planted outside yesterday. Nicotiana is a plant that every garden should have. It's easy to grow from seed. Seedlings are sturdy and last year mine bloomed past our initial frost and was still going. Can't ask for more than that. I hope you're having a beautiful spring. |
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