Saturday, May 25, 2024

Out Front


My treat. Love the bouquet. Hope your day was as beautiful as mine.

What to do with the ivy next season?

Buds on Hydrangea Annabelle. She's needy in the sun. Needs her water. May have to move her where she spent last season.

Sad seedlings of gomphrena and a few snapdragons. They'll perk up. They have until fall. How do people keep petunias beautiful. She looked better an hour after watering.

Salvia and cosmos planted.

Tulip foliage turned brown and pulled. Scattered zinnia and sunflower seeds.

Stock started to bloom finally. Don't remember ordering seeds for white blooms. Maybe they'll change color.

The daisies are tall this year and sedum is blooming. I never like the blooms but maybe the pollinators do.

Planted a dahlia in the open space. It needs stalking but not today.

The pink poppies were beautiful, but the rain beat off the blooms earlier this week. 

Another dahlia planted and needs staking. It's supposed to rain on Memorial Day. Maybe the rain will help.

Freshened up the container.

Baptisia is always beautiful.

Salvia and achillea.

Lots of blooms this year.

Sad, they don't bloom longer.

Love the Asteraceae family of flowers.

Two sunflowers coming up amongst the ivy. I also transplanted nicotiana and foxglove seeds in this bed.

I scattered a lot of seedlings. Hope they make it.

Removed the pansies.

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