Sunday, August 4, 2024

End of July and the Arrival of August

They are beautiful. It's been a wonderful summer for outdoor blooms. Not so much on the porch. I've replace many blooming plants that did not do well and died. For some added color I've added some begonias.

Finally enough sun for a rose. Lets see how it makes it through the winter. I'm hopeful.

Brought her indoors because she broke off probably from the weight of the flower. The zinnias have me hooked. Can't wait until next summer.

Euphorbia not tolerating the heat. I'll groom the container on a cooler day.

Nicotiana blooming in the crack with alyssum, and my only verbena.

That's a different type of zinnia and I don't know what the ferny leaf plant is next to it.

This picture was taken a few weeks before the impatiens started to fail. I'll pull the because now they have defoliated. I'm going to also trim the hydrangea. She was beautiful but the blazing sun burned a lot of the leaves. She blooms on new wood so she should be okay. She's a Annabelle hydrangea. 

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