Sunday, June 30, 2013

In The Yard Part II

What a difference a week can make with all the rain we have been having. My container veggies are under attack. The broccoli has holes in the leaves. I didn't see any worms, but of course I didn't look real hard. If I see a worm the plants may have to go. What kind of attitude is that? How can you garden and not want to pick off insects? The cucumbers have white spots on the leaves. I have 3 more tomatoes. I had my first cherry tomato on my salad. I expected a sweet tomato. I told my sister I ate my first cherry tomato. She asked if it was sweet? I said no and we both started laughing. I didn't notice any problems yet with the leaves of the tomatoes. So, I won't be able to feed the neighborhood with my veggies but I will know that they was organically grown and where it came from. I brought plants so I cheated but I did buy seeds to plant but with all the flower seedlings I had to try to get to survive until Spring there was not time to start vegetables. Maybe cool season veggies this Fall. I bought these seeds for this year but some will obviously have to wait until next year. I regret not trying the container corn, tomatoes, and cucumbers. I bought them specifically for growing in containers.


Zinnia growing, although planted late.

Cucumbers starting to climb.

 Who know's if I'll get broccoli. I planted it late and broccoli is a cool season crop. Maybe a replant for the Fall?

Tomato getting taller. No cucumber apparatus for growing vertically, improvise.

Sorry for the blurry picture.

Flower seeds sewn late. Lets see if I have flowers by October.

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