Thursday, June 27, 2013

In The Yard

You can get some inexpensive gardening items shopping out of season. I got these containers for a fraction of their price during the Winter. The blue ceramic ones come from Ross. They're usually inexpensive anyway you just have to buy them when you see them because they won't be there when you come back. They have holes already in the bottom but I don't plan on using them as planters because they are ceramic and would crack in the winter. It would be too much trouble to bring them in every Fall with heavy soil. I am using them as pedestals for my pots. Have you looked at the prices for stone or concrete/cement pedestals? 

Lobelia waiting patiently all Spring and now Summer to be planted.

My Coleus Seedlings
That came out nicely. I also added perennial plant. I can't locate the tag for the name of the plant.

Some plant didn't do well and died. I pulled them out. The pansies are also done so I tried torenia.

I planted this one too. All are my seedlings except the lobelia.

Coleus Chocolate Mint (the dark one), only 1 seedling survived of
10 pelleted seeds from
Parks Seeds

I added torenia, coleus, and canna. Look at the small echinacea searching for the sun.

The fern is really growing. I must do something with the planters on the right.

Took out Pansies

Time to plant something else. I'll take a picture of what I put in.

Transplanted Coleus no Longer Wilted

Still have to plant these.

Day lilly finally bloomed.

Pansies taken out. Begonia and vinca planted. No growth on the trellis yet.

Astible, Variegated Lirope, Torenia, Heuchera, Sedum, Boxwood

Crowded isn't it ? A work in progress.

Veronica in Bloom

My clematis is blooming again. She bloomed on old wood in Spring.

Look like aster yellow to me. I've never had this happen to my echinacea.

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