My attention to anything since she's passed has been limited. Having the summer off has really helped. Some day are good days and so aren't. It's nice to stay up as late as I want and wake up in the morning when I get ready. That's not usually late. Getting up when the air is still a little cool outside and sitting on my porch and reading, listening to the birds sing, and having coffee is nice. A bag of potting soil purchased had gnats inside when opened. How horrible. What do you do? I decided to bake the soil in the oven as I do for seedlings to kill any gnats or larva. I took the soil to the yard and put as much in a foil pan as it could hold and covered it tightly with foil. Looks like this will need to be done to all soil I purchase in the future. Forgot to moisten the soil but it came out looking good and the texture felt normal when finished.
I had compassion for the tomatoes in the yard. From the window they looked bad and wilted as they do every afternoon. I finally went into the yard to water them. They are thirsty vegetables. Why do I plant veggies when I don't like to water them? The cherry tomatoes taste really good but the leaves look poor. They're loaded with tomatoes. I may pull them when I take the tomatoes off. We'll see.
Poor clivia miniatra. Will repot again and put in a clay pot for some support. The tiny plastic pot is no support for the weight of the plant. |
Looking much better. |
Inserted in a plastic zip lock bag to hopefully keep in moisture and help it root. If I put it in the bag months ago it may have roots by now. |
I didn't replant the cactus on the right it is well and growing. That little nick knack was my mother's. It sat in her window with the small plants. |
Neon philodendron. It's healthy just needs fresh soil. The soil in the pot looks depleted of nutrients and hard even with watering. She will have to wait until more soil is baked. |
Split leaf philodendron root bound in too small of a pot. |
Loosened the roots so it has a chance to grow. |
My camera can't capture how huge the elephant ear has grown. |
It actually has another new leaf. |
The squirrels didn't come back after digging up the first set of plants. It's growing nicely. |
I have several cucumbers. The blurry picture was not retaken, mosquitoes. |
Nice to see that black eyed Susan lived and might return next year and multiply. |
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