Monday, August 11, 2014

A Walk in the Neighborhood

Last night was cool and no air conditioning was needed. It made for good sleeping. Didn't know it would motivate me to take a walk today in the early morning before it started to warm up. Waited too late and by 11:00 it was warm, but not unbearable. Walking after work every day used to be a part of my daily routine until arthritis in my knees caused me to stop. I feel the difference physically since stopping and have promised myself that I would start again even with pain. Walking is slower and painful but it is what it is. I love walking and looking at the houses and store fronts. I was pleasantly surprised to see that most stores now had some type of container planting or their hell strip was planted. Each one looked similar so maybe the same company did each store front. It's really nice to see and makes me feel good to finally see this in my neighborhood. Although this is the norm in suburbia and in Center City many neighborhoods have not come on board.

There were so many beautiful things I would have liked to photograph but I found you can't just take pictures of what you want. Many things are private property. Hopefully I will get to share some pictures in the future of some of the old Victorian homes and how pretty plants have been added to porches and sidewalks. For today I chose to be careful especially if someone was walking or outside. I can feel fall in the air and really look forward to walking more when the weather starts to get cooler. My plan, get up earlier so I can get out and back before the heat. Rain is fore casted the next 2 days and after that temps in the low 80's with low humidity. This should make for great walking.

This picture and the next 2 were taken last October. Didn't see a need to repeat them. The outside of the buildings look the same.

Look at the apples on the ground. I wonder why they were not picked? I tried to get a better picture but had to stop when I realized that children were out there for summer camp.
The wisteria is still doing well although I have lived in this neighborhood for years and have never seen it bloom.
Grumblethorpe's Planter

A sidewalk view of the old church I took a picture of last October.
On to the neighborhood community garden.


Sedum and obedient plant.
Obedient plant. Would like to start some of this from seed next season.
Fig tree. Didn't see any figs.

I think these are flowers from the hollyhocks. Really pretty.

Holly hocks, zinnias, daisies, iris, and looks like some type of onion.

I think this is phlox.
Theses zinnias were at Grumblethorpe. I didn't see a lot of zinnias this summer. My sister normally has a flower bed full but this summer the sunflower seeds took over her flower bed and the zinnias didn't come up. The community garden had a huge bed of them last year but this year very few.

Black Eyed Susan's and  looks like Elephant Kale

Lots of Tomatoes
Zinnia and Small Coneflower
Is it a scallion or something in the onion family?

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