We had a lot of rain last night from about 12 midnight until this afternoon. When the weather broke, it brought cool temperatures. Tonight its really cool in the house. Good weather for a fire. Too lazy to go out and bring in wood. Earlier today I went to get more mums and pansies for my sidewalk planters and maybe some will be left for the window boxes. The sidewalk planters looked pretty today. With all the rain the plants show they enjoyed it and now I'm feeling guilty about removing the coleus, impatiens, and sweet potato vine. It's now or wait for a night in the 40's next week and that may take care of them. If they are removed tomorrow I'll take cuttings. Last night I went through my seed box and discovered seeds I'd forgot about. Went shopping on line last night for seeds but before ordering anything I needed to see what I had. I don't think I'll be ordering impatiens or petunias because there were plenty of seeds that haven't been opened. I still have lots of coleus seeds. Now that I'm thinking about it I may buy petunia seeds that are pelleted. To me it's a waste of time sprinkling something so tiny over the soil and ending up with hundred of seedlings when I only want a few seedlings. Pelleted seeds are easier to work with.
I have 2 type of begonias that I'd like to start now, when I clean off the seed shelf. Will I get to it this weekend? I'm starting them earlier than last year in December. If they live, they will be a nice size when it's time to put them outside. I'll probably order my regular seeds, coleus, geraniums, and vinca. I love zinnias but don't have a sunny place in the ground for them in the yard. I'm going to try again in containers. I would love to have enough to cut for inside the house. I like the zinnia seeds from Baker creek because you get so many at a reasonable price and I believe their seeds are open pollinated. I ordered their dahlia seeds a few years ago and they did real well although I didn't dig up the tubers, not smart after all that work. Haven't decided what I want in the containers in spring. Produce Junction was packed, and everyone seemed so excited about the plants. It's nice to be around people who share my love of plants. I also stopped at Home Depot. The plants were beautiful but no one was there. Myself and 4 other people. I guess everyone found cheaper options like nurseries and the produce market. Shrubs and trees were 50% off and there were good bargains. Lirope and nepta were two dollars for a gallon pot. I told myself, don't buy anything you aren't going to plant and I didn't. I lusted after the perennials and shrubs but I didn't buy anything...yet.
There were so many people at the produce market today buying pumpkins, gourds, mums, pansies, corn stalks, hay bales, ornamental peppers, scarecrows, and tropical house plants. There were even beautiful dahlias. What would anyone do with them this time of year in this region? They aren't hardy. I guess keep them as house plants. I loved the variety of pumpkins, all types and colors and so cheap. My type of prices. Mums were eight for ten dollars. A flat of pansies was seven dollars although you had to pick through them to find healthy ones. I tried to behave and not buy any more house plants. I have to take care of the ones I have and still have to bring in the ones from the porch not to mention cuttings of coleus, geraniums, and other annuals. Time for gardening indoors. I'm excited aren't you? Okay I did buy a miniature orchid. They were 3 for seven dollars. If I get to the sidewalk planters tomorrow I'll show you what I do.
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