Saturday, October 18, 2014

Saturday Out Front

How was your day? Get any gardening done? I had a lot I wanted to write until I turned the television to PBS and saw Seven Brides for Seven Brothers on. One of my favorite shows and probably not something young people would watch. I love it. I love old movies. Alone in the Wilderness is also on. Have you seen that. Also one of my favorite. I just had a warm bath after sitting on my porch for hours enjoying the weather and just sitting, listening to birds sing, feeling the cool crisp wind, and preparing this post. A pot of coffee is brewing and it will fell good tonight. I hope your're doing something tonight that makes you smile and feel comforted. 
I've been trying since summer to root the trailing plant in the container with no success. Now tempted to pull out the root and take it inside. If I do, I'll cut off most of the foliage.

The leaves are falling. The ones on my tree have not turned gold yet.
Can you see the dead arborvitae? Can't wait to remove them but there is so much more to do first. I will eventually get to them.
Geraniums seem to love the cool weather. I think I'll cut some tomorrow and try to root it for inside. I need to remove the annuals from these pots so I can plant bulbs. I'm not ready yet. The red blooms won't let me. I wonder if they'll bloom inside?
All from one plant. Euphorbia was well worth the $5.00's.
I love red geraniums. For next year I ordered seeds for white and pale pink ones. I tried the pink this year with no success. 

I thought that sweet potato vine would have started to die by now. Nights in the 40's next week may kill her. Lets see.
Just a little color other than green from the mums and pansies.

I bought these last week at Home Depot; for the yard.
The bulbs I ordered arrived in 2 days; ranunculus red, anemone white splender, iris cream beauty, freesia blue, anemone Mr. Fokker, and crocus Miss Vain.
This piece of geranium was on the ground this morning. My first uncut cutting.
Ready for a fire!

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