Sunday, November 2, 2014

A Walk In The Neighborhood- November

I often wonder if the month of my birth has something to do with my love of this time of year? Autumn's whisper can be heard today. Leaves fly in the air in a whirl wind, twirling. Trees bend with each gust of wind. As I walked through the neighborhood my mind, body, and spirit was refreshed and renewed by the beauty of nature. The wind has to be gusting at least 30 miles per hour. The sun is brilliant as it cast shadows through the trees and reflects upon the ground. Nature declares the glory of God.

My destination was to the Dollar store at the corner of my street, but the beauty of the day wooed me and encouraged me to walk. I knew when I left the house with my camera that I might possibly take a walk. My knees would decide. They decided not to waste this beautiful day. I hadn't taken pictures of the leaves turning and season changing. I can't image a day this fall that has been as beautiful as today. A perfect day for pictures and time because the trees are becoming bear, more so on days like this with winds ripping them from trees. Come walk with me.

What a beautiful day!
I don't know what type of fruit this is. It doesn't look like crab apples.
Berries for the birds.

Love the blue pansies my favorite.

What happened? It didn't seem to thrive.
They chose the blue pansies I like.
This bed didn't do too well.
Sunflowers. A nice surprise.

Germantown Boy's & Girl's Club. I don't know what's being built next to it. I'll check the neighborhood paper to see.

Almost done. I wonder if they dug up the caladium? They aren't here. If you look back you can see what this looked like in August.

A return to the neighborhood community garden in Autumn.
Some type of berries.

Rudabeckia seed heads.
Row covers shielding so cold season crop.



The daisies are beautiful.

Fig tree. The tree has grown since I took a picture of it last year.
I don't like raw figs but love them cooked. There are 2 on the tree. this one looks almost ripe.
The purple coneflower will no be outdone.

Zinnias still beautiful even with powdery mildew.
Cherry tomatoes still producing.

Aren't the berries pretty. Food for birds if not poisonous.


Back home after a beautiful walk. Today has encouraged me to start walking again after work.
My Norway Maple has started to turn but I don't think he leaves are going to be a pretty gold, I'll see. This is the only time I can see both window boxes from the sidewalk, when the tree has started to loose leaves. Time to remove the arborvitae but too cold and windy today to open the window. It's supposed to be in the 70's one day after work maybe then but maybe not. It's getting darker now so it may be dark after work.

The mums have done well till November.
How can you not love panises?
Sedum blooms.

The licorice plant is still growing. Wished it was hardy. Thought about digging it up. If I do, not in the house. I have already seen a couple of gnats flying in the house although I spray my plants before bring inside.
Some leaves I picked as I walked. Aren't they beautiful? I usually press them but after I took this picture I forgot and they crinkled up before I could place them in a book. Still time to collect more leaves. Do you collect leaves? I got to walk through some and hear them crunch under my feet. A ritual I have done since a child although like a child I no longer pile them up to jump in. Happy Harvest. 

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