Sunday, November 30, 2014

Seed Starting, Vinca, African Daisies, and Foxgloves

Don't know what else to get into today. Starting some seeds in egg cartons. Way too early for African Daisies but what can I loose. I bought the seeds. Last time I started them they were on a windowsill and germinated quickly. Had a hard time keeping them alive.  I have vinca seeds ordered in 2014 and had no luck with them reaching maturity. So lets see how they do this season. Looking forward to seeing  if the yellow foxglove seeds will do well. Its been about 2 years since I've tried them from seed. I love foxgloves.
Ambitious aren't I?  African daisies, black eyed Susan vine. digitalis, lambs ear, different types of vinca, hollyhocks, and dahlia seeds.
No space for all those  until the heat mat is clear. Will try 12 African daisies, twelve vinca, and 12 foxgloves. May sit the daisies in the window to germinate like I did before. with no heat. 
I'd like to try hollyhocks again. Haven't tried them in years.

I just realized looking at this picture that I have impatien seeds. Must put these away for now.
Lambs Ear bought in 2012. I hope they still germinate.
Daisy seeds
Foxglove seeds. They're actually smaller than they look.
Vinca Seeds
Burpee pellets. Instructions say to add 2 tablespoons of warm water or one once of water to each pellet.

I like the pellets because they aren't in that mesh sack that hold most.

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