Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Bulb Forcing Vases and Other Things

Although it's summer, fall bulb catalogues have been arriving since spring with offers of 75% off and last chance deals. Encouraging buyers to purchase early to get the best selections before your favorite sales out. With this in mind, I braved the 90 degree temperature and walked to the thrift shop in my neighborhood hoping to find some type of glass vessels not probably designed as a bulb vase but still substitute for hyacinth bulbs this winter. This is my first time forcing hyacinths. Usually I force my bulbs in any available glass container but bulbs are also pretty displayed in containers made just for them. Never did I imagine finding an actual bulb vase. This was the second day I'd gone in search of suitable containers. The last visit months ago, with no luck. Of course they have to be reasonable priced under 2 dollars. Searching for and reading the history of bulb vases was interesting as well as trying to locate companies that still make them.

Forcing bulbs indoors is thought to have start in the 1700's. According to Old House Gardens, hyacinths can be forced by putting the bulb just above water in the forcing container and placing in a dark cool environment for 8-16 weeks to allow the bulb to develop roots. The recommended temperature to keep them in is 40-48 degrees. When the glass is filled with roots bring the container into light but not in direct sunlight. You can read their instructions by clicking on the above link.

I purchased the book below a few years ago. I like to read the reviews on Amazon before I purchase any book because many are correct. No, can't say I grab this book when bulb season comes but I will this year. Thinking that you know about a bulb and conditions it needs is okay but reading before planting so you're sure is better. There are many sources of books on bulbs and good information from scholarly sources and gardening societies online.

Some reading information from a bulb collector which I found interesting including his collection of vases is http://www.kennemerend.nl/why.html. Click on the links and he has a good history on the origins of bulb forcing. Old House Gardens, web site always is a good resource for information on bulbs, how to grow, and forcing. And of course you can buy their heirloom bulbs.

Some of the sources that came up for bulb forcing vases I came across searching online included http://www.blisshomeanddesign.com/Bulb-Vase?gclid=CI34-aqE0M0CFZJbhgodfzMCGQ, Touch of Nature, and of course Amazon. Or you can do what I did and visit  thrift stores, or antique stores. The search and what you may find is part of the fun for me. Searching and ordering on line may provide the best selection if one is willing to pay the price especially for older vases.

Why do I force bulbs? During winter most gardens are put to bed till spring unless you do cold season gardening. For many with greenhouse, cold frames, or other methods to shelter vegetables, gardening continues. No greenhouse or cold frame here but I did try broccoli and cabbage last fall/winter. Aphids were horrible. Something that doesn't seem to bother my veggies in the spring and summer. Although the end of outside gardening is a relief to me every year, I still love to see blooms year round especially in the winter indoors. It brightens my day seeing and smelling blooming flowers inside when it's cold, dark, and, wintry outside. It reminds me, spring will return.

It was hot outside with temperatures in the 90's but still a beautiful day. Thunderstorms and heavy rain drove down the humidity last night and today we only have to deal with the heat not feeling like it's in the tropics.
This store used to be owned by a women I knew. It's now an antique shop as well as the next one.
Tyler's wasn't open when I walked pass but was open after finishing at the thrift shop.
Couldn't believe there's a sign posted saying the building is for sale. They've been here for years and it'll be missed.
This is why I'm not planting petunias or calibrachoas next season. They start out beautiful and end raggedy looking. I know they should be pruned but to me, they're high maintenance and require too much attention. When I plant a container, I don't expect to do anything else to it except watering and when the next season arrives, adding different annuals. It's still nice when business make an effort to beautify their storefronts.
Looks like coleus. It's a pretty variety. The container needs more flowers. I should not be talking seeing how mine look.
Can't believe I actually found bulb vases and some others that can be used but had other purposes. Now I'll want to scour the antiques stores to find more but they won't be 25 cents like these 2 were.
Along with 3 book it came to 13.00 dollars. A little over my planned 10.00 dollar budget.
The first 2 are bulb vases. They're very ornate and prettier than the ones I found for sale in colors of pink, blue, and green. Someone was using the blue ones for flowers also as some soil remains in the bottom. I like blue pottery.
These are small although the appear larger photographed. The remind of mini ice cream sundae glasses but not much should fit in them. Maybe good for pudding, jello. and parfait. The glass is heavy and will give lots of room for roots to grow but the opening is small enough that the bulb won't sit in the water. It'll depend on how large the hyacinths are.
I'll have to find out what the markings are.
They're beautiful. Feels and looks like lead crystal.

Stopped at Home Depot today to get some paint. Of course I'm working on my to do list and planning for fall.  Summer vacation is a good time to freshen up moldings and other areas in my house instead of thinking about it too late when the first fall  holiday comes. As I grow older I've learned that planning and starting early helps in not feeling overwhelmed hosting family holiday dinners. The summer is not too early to start. Of course no one sees what I see. Are you like that. I see every area of chipped paint or paint that could be refreshed. If I start now maybe I'll be able to sit and enjoy guest. I'm making progress. Work never ends when you own a house. Last week the plumber and electrician did some repairs and this week a new plumbing problem. The bathroom sink is leaking from the pipe. No fear, Trish is here. Got a new PVC set up and maybe I'll change it but first I have to find out how to cut PVC pipe without a saw. Next option; take it back to Home Depot to see if they'll cut it. I'll let you know how it turns out. Why didn't it leak last week when the plumber was here?
Also bought new insulation for around the doors to prevent drafts. Yes winter is coming.
Freshened up the molding leading to the kitchen.
The post to the stairs freshened up. 
The plaster on the ceiling needs to be touched up, sanded, and painted. Isn't it nice to have dry wall instead. No drywall in this old house so you have to know how to plaster. I really don't feel like it but I'll see how much I can get done this summer.  What else am I doing? Hanging a towel rack. Have to find the studs with the stud finder and had to get new drill bits because the ones I had were dull. My daughter and I are also working on sorting through stored bins and getting rid of a lot of stuff. Some to the trash, some to the Goodwill, and the rest will be neatly organized. Who knows. When it's all done I may have a room just for my plants and seedlings. That would be nice, something to work towards. I still have to finish tiling the kitchen floor or hire someone to finish it for me this summer. Do you work on your house in the summer?

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