Sunday, July 17, 2016

Not Wise & The Summer Garden

This post was written a few days ago. As is in other cities, we're having a heat wave. I took advantage of the cloudy day yesterday morning to work out front not getting a lot done due to much needed pouring rain. Going back out this morning wasn't a good idea but I didn't know in advance. The heat made me sick. I think a combination of dehydration, sun, high humidity, excessive perspiration, and the heat. Never thought I'd be one to suffer from heat exhaustion and will have to be more careful in the future. My flower bed looks a little better and I'll finish mulching on another day.

Summer has been hard on the annuals this year and many didn't do well and had to be replaced. One container of sown anemone seeds actually germinated. I expected problems. They're small and maybe with some attention, some will reach a size to plant out by fall and will return in the spring. I'm hopeful.

Replaced the impatiens.

Gloriosa lily. That's the second one. The first didn't do well will transplanting and died. Hopefully the bulb is fine when I did they up in the spring. It's kind of late and may not do much this season.
Bee Balm
Obedient Plant

In the yard. Hydrangea bought for some added color and later plans to plant them in the ground to see what happens and if they'll come back. When I got them it was a hot day and spending time sitting in the car while shopping wasn't good. Maybe 2 of 3 will survive. The columbine looks dead but some of the stems are green. I'll top it off and plant it in the ground to see if it'll return in the spring. If not hopefully the seed heads will yield some new plants.

Squirrels are still digging and feasting on any tulip bulbs not taken up.
Elephant ears finally emerged.
Waiting for the tomatoes to ripen.
Miniature pumpkins making progress and looking healthy.
Last years florist hydrangea and it retained it's blue coloration so I guess that tells me what type of soil I have. Something's been having a meal with the leaves. Maybe in several years I'll have a large bush.
I'll actually get a handful of blackberries, hopefuly. 
Spring and summer are beautiful times of year but I welcome the coming fall with cooler temperatures.

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