Friday, November 3, 2017

Treats, Forcing Vases, and Flowers

She and I waiting for trick or treaters. The candy ended up being given out by my daughter. Kids arrived after dark with parents. Halloween was a cold day that drove me indoors to a fire. 

Callie watched hoping to see her outdoor friends. They often come to visit her at my door.

Thirty-six bags of candy and 20 of chips and time to go inside.

Unfortunately this was mail I didn't want to shred. Something has happened to the man who delivers my wood each fall. I don't know what to do. His wood was the best with a good selection of hard woods that burned long and no insects in the wood. What shall I do?

No fire wood but a nice surprise when I arrived home on Friday. Bulbs I thought I forgot to order appeared. That's the wrong box my other 50% order from Longfield. The ones that arrived came from Dutch Bulbs. What did I order? Iris reticula harmony, species crocus blue pearl, fritillaria lutea mamima, darwin tulip moonwalker, fragrant daffodil pheasant's eye, lefeber hybrid tulip blushing beauty, hyacinth blue ice, 3 double amaryllis Marilyn, allium gladiator, and hyacinthoids hispamica blue. Allium mount Everest was sold out.  Seemed like a good idea at the time but I don't look forward to planting them. Seeing them in the spring will be wonderful though.

Guess I shouldn't have bought a small box of 3 paper whites from Home Depot. Thought they'd be my only ones this winter.

Hyacinth forcing vases.

Why did I think  these would be blown glass vases? They're thick and clunky. Guess they'll do the job and with some patience I can find some pretty colored glass ones on E-bay or Amazon. After I fill them with water and one bulb for each vase, they'll stay in this box and go in the basement to develop roots until the end of January or sometime in February. Next year I'll start earlier so they'll be hyacinth blooms for Christmas.

Every sweet potato vine cutting has rooted and there are lots of new green leaves.

One of two Africa Violets on the seed shelf until they have to give up their space for seedlings. The leaves shouldn't bee so crinkly. I wonder if having the light too close caused this? One bloomed beautiful pale lavender flowers again since I purchased them.

My lilies are still beautiful. I think they'll survive until tomorrow, the 7th day. Hopefully a few more days after that. Tomorrow I have to start hyacinths a month late and it's time to start getting the house ready for Thanksgiving. Declutter, hang heavier winter drapes, mopping under furniture, and starting to clean the kitchen. My mind was made up not to change curtains every season but heavier curtains do help act as insulation during the winter. Can you believe Thanksgiving is only 3 weeks away.

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