Sunday, January 7, 2018

Sowing Pelargoniums, Echinacea, Snapdragon, & Foxglove

Jiffy seed starting mix put into trays and watered well to dampen. Some people put in a tray of water to let the water absorb. I've never done this.

Pelargonium Maverick Scarlet

Sowing directions on Swallowtail Garden seed pack below. They may be a little deep. The package says to lightly cover. Lets see how they do. Pelargoniums are easy to germinate. I don't know why they cost so much. Last year I had trouble with some of the seeds germinating and Swallowtail replaced them. Usually they include extra seeds in each pack. This one had 2 extra seeds.

I planted 2 other types of pelargoniums. Nano and Maverick Salmon.

Echinacea Prarie Splender

I also planted White Swan Echinacea.

One of 2 easy to see begonia seedlings. They're about 5 more but tiny. They've been slow to germinate this season. It may be from spritzing the top of the soil and they may have been covered in soil in this process which is not good. Begonias need light to germinate and are sown on the top of the soil.

Foxgloves and snapdragons. Sown in a small community pot. That may not be a good thing. I sowed the seeds on top and didn't cover. I put them on the kitchen window seal were the violas and pansies will go if I get to them today. Remember I sowed them on coffee filters and put in the refrigerator for a period of cold.

Onto the heat mat for bottom heat.

What am I supposed to do with these. They're a package of foxgloves I sowed a while ago. There were many more but they died. Although they're sitting close to the light they look weak and leggy. I'm going to remove them to a smaller put till the get bigger and plant them deeper in the soil up to the first leaves.

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