Saturday, November 3, 2018

On the Porch

Good morning. On the porch having my coffee before I go outside and bag up some fallen leaves. It's that time until they stop falling. It rained all night bringing in cooler temperatures from the 70's we had during the week. But it's still warm for November but I'll take it. Haven't even had the first fire in the hearth.

The sky was beautiful.

Bulb order arrived yesterday.

Should enjoy reading about the history of tulips tonight. A nice surprise that came with the bulbs.

Paper Whites are ready.

Wrapper from the bulbs for Callie to play with. We had a good time with it and she got a lot of exercise jumping in the air for it.

Have to force the paper whites soon they've started to sprout.

Can't start them until I drag out some pea gravel. Maybe potting mix but don't want a gnat problem and this dish has no drainage. Actually it late to start forcing them so I think they will go in a pot with soil for the spring. And they'll sit on the cold porch covered in darkness until they raise their heads.

I haven't taken my brother the saffron crocus I bought him. They've decided it's time. I'll plant them in a pot and take them to him. It'll save him so time and I know he doesn't have potting mix at the house.

While in the basement doing laundry and peeking to see if more hyacinths have root, I found my turkey platters. They haven't been out in years.

This one has a repaired crack.

Until after Thanksgiving when they'll be stored away.

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