Christmas was beautiful. A day spent with family. As my break is almost ending, it's time to think of starting seeds. First I have to clean off the plant shelf and find somewhere for the houseplants. They've actually done well so far although a few are part of my plant hospital. I still have a few bulbs to plant in containers and in the window box. Tomorrow hopefully will be the day. The winter solstice pasted in December but I can tell. The sun sets a little later and rises earlier. We still have months of winter, snow and ice, coming I'm sure.
We never finished putting on all the ornaments. There's a bin full. |
Went to after Christmas sales and bought some ornaments, bulbs, and 2 new stockings. They were for next years tree but I put them on the tree now. |
Every girl can use a ring like this. |
She looks like me. |
Had to have the cat in the tutu. |
Two new stockings although there wasn't much of a selection. |
Daisies, asters, and peach roses actually still surviving since Christmas. |
Till next Christmas God willing. |
One last bloom before I cut off the flower stalk. |
Three paper whites in the container still haven't emerged yet. |
Planted another container last week. One more container to plant until next season.
Another container of paper whites planted and others that didn't bloom yet. |
These will probably bloom in the spring or summer. |
Waiting for the second flower stalk to finish emerging and bloom. |
Others are dormant. |
My houseplants are doing okay so far with shortened hours of daylight. Dracena needs the tip trimmed and probably repotted now. |
Coffee plant with some brown tips but other wise doing good. It loves water even in winter and will let you know when to water. |
Satin Philodendron. I would say this is an indestructible house plant in my house. It requires little water and sits above the mantel normally with indirect light from a window. |
ZZ Plant |
Calathea/ Rattle Snake Plant. She's from the Philadelphia Flower Show last year. It had fifteen leaves but some died. Hopefully she'll survive. |
Another dracaena. It needs repotting. I bought some potting mix yesterday. Hopefully it doesn't have fungus gnats. Yes it actually sits on the treadmill, for now. |
Croton had spider mites. With all the spray and systemic granules it seems okay now. I've been treating it for weeks. Loves water and light. Such a diva plant. I love them but they don't like quite a few things such as drafts, being moved, and being dry. |
On the plant shelf. One shelf for plants and 2 for seedlings. I'll clean off the bottom shelf later for more room when the seedlings get larger. Looking forward to starting seeds. Who knew foxtail fern in the back liked plant lights. It's thriving under the lights. Her place during summer is the sun porch with the blinds lowered. She's done better under the lights. |
The pink Chinese evergreen is surviving although it's lost some leaves. They tend to flop and are susceptible to root rot. I'll try to water around the perimeter and not the trunk as another member of a plant group recommended. |
People say they're easy houseplants. They're easy when you learn what they need in your house. For me, deep watering was the key to keeping them alive and green without loosing lots of leaves from yellowing. Adequate drainage required after watering. |
Neon pothos on the right lost most of it's leaves before I realized what it needed. Hopefully the container will fill out again. |
The jade looks like it has mealy bugs. It had lots of large leaves that fell off but smaller ones have developed. Didn't know until today what the problem was with it. The soil and plant had it's first spraying today soil and leaves. |
Ficus, brazil philodendron, and lemon plant on the stand. The lemon dropped leaves when brought inside but has now developed a new leaf. Ficus is actually doing well. You know she's a diva and will drop leaves but she seems to have adjusted. |
Bromelaid with pup remains well. I won't separate the pup until mom dies. It's a year old purchased last winter. |
Peace lily is actually surviving. You know I've killed many in the past. It's actually living next to the radiator and the tips aren't brown. I always knew they like water but timing and drainage is also important to keep them alive. Every plant has to find a spot. Those are new grow lights to be changed. |
Have to remove some of this before I start my seedlings. What do I plan on starting? Coleus, vinca, foxglove, black eyed Susan vine, and begonias. Possibly should of started begonias by now because they take a long time to germinate and grow. |
Problem plants and cuttings. |
Sweet potato vine cuttings did have leaves until recently. They never make it till spring for me. Glad I do have a tuber from last summer in the basement. |
My father passed 3 years ago. This was his pothos. Trying to keep it alive and hopefully develop new leaves. |
Plant shame. Cuttings of pothos and tradescantia and my $35.00 orchid that was doing well until I moved it for the winter. It still has some green. Sorry Waldor Orchids. It was beautiful for 2 years. Hopefully it'll make it once removed from the pot and all the browning cleaned up and some fresh orchid mix. Time will tell. This is why I don't pay that type of price for plants. |
I rarely buy discounted plants but Home Depot never has these types of orchids so I bought it and cleaned it up some. Lets see if it survives. Dishes from Christmas need to be put away or they'll be there until Father's Day Dinner. |
Plant rack I bought yesterday but will return. It's too small. Glad I didn't remove the price tag. |
Time to burn some of the fire wood and it feels good. |
Kitty says hello. Hope you're enjoying the season. Spring is coming! Lets enjoy some snow until then. |