Monday, March 25, 2019


A beautiful day. Blue sky, not too cool, and a gentle wind. And the first day seeing cherry blossom trees starting to bloom. My neighbors tree was the first I've seen to bloom from my view on the sunporch. Their narcissus always beautiful should follow.

Such a short period of bloom for the crocus.

Will miss the fragrance of yellow blooming primrose when it heats up.

Another thing to do. Putting away hyacinth forcing vases until the fall.

Strawberries waiting to be planted.
Hyacinths that didn't develop roots by forcing in water all fall and winter, developed roots in soil. Couldn't wait to pull them to see. They may bloom after all.

Pansies to go in the flower bed out front.

Looks like they'll be some white hyacinths.

Creeping Jenny for the planter out front.

Dragon wing begonias have grown. Those that germinated out of 20 seeds. I'm going to start some more after all the seedlings go outside to keep indoors and maybe have blooms in the winter.

Still have coleus to transplant.

Some didn't do well. I usually don't throw out any seedling until I know it's not going to make it. I'll water them and see if that helps but I don't think they will but they're plenty that are growing nicely.

A few vinca survived. I'm also going to start more of these just for the window indoors over winter.

Petunias. Some didn't survive transplanting although I didn't start many.

Petunias look healthy.

Starting to look like basil. It's time to transplant it into individual pots. A few to a pot. Another day.

Peppers. Why is that white streak on that pepper? Hope it's not some type of virus. Maybe I should cut it off or get rid of the whole pot because they all may be infected. I have another pot started.

Finally have a few tomatoes and they're getting their true leaves.

Black Seeded Simpson Lettuce has a long way to go. I'll start some other types before it gets too hot. I love Freckles Lettuce but don't have seeds yet.

Second sowing of geraniums.

That's a lot of foxgloves. They should be a good size by summer to transplant for blooms next spring.

One of 3 sweet potato vine cutting that survived the winter, yeah. Don't think I'll have to buy any. I have one tuber in the basement from last season to start.

Purchased this weekend with my gift card from Christmas. Is it a hoya or peperomia plant. A plant tag from Costa Farms didn't include the name as usual. I hope you're enjoying the start of spring. Happy Gardening!

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