Thursday, March 14, 2019

When Heaven Touches Earth

When heaven touches the earth. That's what spring feels like to me. Although spring doesn't officially arrive until next week, the smell of spring is in the air. Just as the air in winter has a crispness and cleanness that can only be felt at this time of year, so does spring. As I sit on my bed writing this post with windows open, curtains billowing in the air from the wind; it's a beautiful night. After work I sat on the sunporch enjoying the warmth, bright sun, and beautiful clear blue sky. As hyacinths and yellow flowering primrose scented the porch. A scent that I won't be able to capture again until next winter. To be able to bottle that scent would be wonderful. Even my cat knows spring is near. She basks in the window enjoying the warmer days and sights of squirrels, possums, neighborhood cats, and the returning chirp of birds. Even she it seems is more energetic and playful sensing a different welcome season is here.

My house plants have known for weeks and indicated it by putting out new leaves. The days are getting longer and my African violet plants that have spent fall and winter in the window became sunburned in a few days with the increasing intensity of the sun. I removed them to the bedroom last night. They'll sit near a window but won't be in so much direct sun until fall again when the days get shorter and the sun not so hot. Or maybe when the seedlings have all been planted outdoors after the last frost, they'll go to the plant shelf under lights and maybe start blooming.

I await perennials and bulbs emerging from the earth, the blooms of cherry blossom, dogwoods, magnolia, and other flowering trees. Wish lilacs were hardy in my region. It seems like everything is late this year. Looking back at last years blog post around this time, hosta and spring bulbs had broken the soil. In time. Until then I'll enjoy purchased bulbs already in bloom. Not rushing getting into the yard with all the work there but excited to prepare my flower bed and containers out front. If you've been following my blog you know I love pansies and they've arrived although I haven't been to the nursery yet to see what's available. Hopefully this weekend.

These crocus were supposed to be orange and tiger stripped. Not so.


Tulips getting a little bit taller.




Hyacinths that were in forcing vases in the basement and brought upstairs into the light but never got beyond this size. Except one that bloomed. Don't know what happened to them this year. So today I put them in soil to see if they can make roots and possibly bloom before the temperatures get too warm.

The window sill is full so they'll sit on the floor by the window.

Such a small flower to be so scented. Glad God choose to grace the earth with it's scent. I often wonder, what will the gardens be like in heaven?

Miniature Rose

From the 30's at night to the 60's. Not bad.

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