Sunday, April 14, 2019

As Always

Couldn't resist those hydrangeas, again. Having never been able to get them to adapt to my yard the plan for this year is to keep them potted. And in the fall bring any from the yard to the unheated sunporch over winter. Will this work? Time will tell. The critters did leave a few tulips to my surprise. Misty rain is falling today but hopefully I'll get into the yard tomorrow to take some pictures before they're past their prime. Visited my parents grave today and took palm for Palm Sunday and a hydrangea  in the event I don't make it back for Easter. The narcissus I planted last fall have returned and were in bloom also hosta, which is just starting to come up. I'll return soon to plant some annuals maybe a pretty shade of petunia that will bloom all summer and snapdragons which did well all summer last year.

Took the blue hydrangea to the cemetery. My mother had a row of beautiful blue hydrangeas at her summer home in Georgia.

Was going back today to get another large one so there would be one for the porch and one for the yard. Sold out today so I got a much smaller one for the porch. Someone besides myself love them also.

Two pots of carnations to go out front and a gardenia.

Salvia for the flower bed out front.

Thyme planted into a larger pot.


A new bleeding heart. The one in the yard did grow beyond a sprout last spring after 4 years so it was time for another one.
Actually found 1 sun gold tomato yesterday at Home Depot. Last year I planted my own from seeds but they didn't do too well.

Tulips out front in bloom.

Can't wait for the foxgloves to bloom. Their second year. I have lots of seedlings inside but they have a long way to go.

That looks like a lily.

Haven't seen some other perennials emerge yet. Hope they return. If not, that'll be a chance to try some other types.

Tete-a- Tete Narcissus

Some blooms for inside the house.

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