Tuesday, April 16, 2019

In The Yard

One week ago the Norway Maples had just budded out. Now they're in bloom dropping a spray of yellow confetti pollen all over the yard. As yellow and black bumble bees buzz around the blooms on the tree and spring bulbs. Of course they tried to chase me out of the yard as they do every year. Seeming to believe that spring is their time, and this is their yard. It's a beautiful day.

The only group of tulips that survived planted in the ground along with 1 yellow tulip in the other flower bed.

Although there was no parade of tulips in the yard this spring, narcissus, grape hyacinth, and winter aconite did not disappoint. Hyacinthoides, allium, and lilies will soon join the show. I'm excited to see what they look like.

Still haven't cut the plastic from around winter aconite and grape hyacinths.

Can't remember the exact year that I bought the hellebore but I think this is the 4th year. Maybe 2020 will be the year it blooms. Next to it the tiarella I thought didn't come back. Some perennials broke ground later this year. Hardy ginger did return as well as some hosta that I thought were lost. Now the wait to see if my hardy begonia plant will return. It bloomed all summer and fall and was a nice addition to a spot that's difficult to grow anything in due to tree roots competing for completion. They usually win of course.

Tiarella  Cordifolia (foam flower)

Native Ginger looks like it' came back with an additional one.

Tulips survived under wire in the planter. Can't remember what color they were.

Still have to plant them along with a few on the porch and the primroses.

Clay pots are so pretty but I can't take the time to empty them every fall and put them in the basement so a few were cracked this winter as usual. When they're removed only plastic containers will go in their place.

Didn't remove the wire from the container and now the bulbs emerged through it but the wire save the bulbs from critters.

Still waiting to see a cardinal or sparrow in the bird bath. I have all spring and summer. Maybe when I feel the bird feeders.

Removed the wire from around the hyacinth so it can emerge. The fern that's late has broke through the soil and I removed the wire from it also.

The wire will need to be removed earlier next spring but that'll cause the bulbs to possibly be eaten by critters before they bloom. Although animals are smart because I've noticed that once the bloom has formed they rarely bother them. Maybe because all the nutrients have already been used to form the bloom.

The fronds of my fern have started to emerge.

Tulips are emerging in the flower bed in the front of the house.

Too gawdy for you. I love orange flowers.

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