Wednesday, October 9, 2019

A Rainy Day

Nothing like a holiday in the middle of the week and no work day. It's cloudy, windy, and rainy. So far the rain isn't  steady although I don't mind because I don't plan on leaving the house today. Awoke late and should have gotten out of the bed at seven when I first opened my eyes. I hate to miss hours in the day sleeping. Could have been talking to you, picking at my plants, or preparing breakfast. Came down stairs with an arm full of books, magazines, and computer. Do I actually think I'll get to all of them? Maybe a little bit out of each one.

It's time to prepare the house for winter. Have you started? Maybe you live in a region where there is no need. Still have to insulate 2 windows, put rugs on the floor and cover the window air conditioner units. And stock up on ice melt for the coming snow and ice. At least this year I'm working close to home and the snow and ice shouldn't present a problem driving to work because I can walk if I need to and leave the car parked. Pelargoniums ordered from Logee's Green House have to be removed from the window box to save for next spring. Did they trial like I hoped, no. And gloriosa lilies from the front flower bed. They were beautiful this summer. It's hard to believe Thanksgiving is next month, then Christmas, a new year, and spring again. The wonderful spring.

My outfit for the day. Fleece pajamas feel good on this cool day. Maybe I'll actually start a fire with the remainder of last years wood.
Green tea this morning. As I'm writing this it's after 12:00 and I've yet to have breakfast. Guess it'll be brunch. Probably scrambled eggs, toast, and watermelon. That's what I want.

In the house to my left side.

On the porch. 

Waiting for delivery of wood.

Have to bring the pothos in any day now if it goes below 50. The sun porch still gets as cold as outdoors.
Bought more pansies for outside than used so I planted them on the porch. I still have a six pack to plant somewhere other than the yard which I've been avoiding.

Not a pretty site. I've avoided it this season. Perennials on the table should have been planted already to give them time to develop roots in the soil. Hopefully they survive. I'll know by spring.

Can't kill impatiens or coleus although impatiens didn't bloom in our extreme temperature this summer. I expect lots of coleus seedlings on the ground when the soil warms up again.

Bulbs in the brown paper bag they arrived in waiting to be planted. Not including bulbs that should arrive soon. Still need to force hyacinths. I've disappointed myself because if I planted them when purchased I would have had blooms in time for Christmas. Next year is another season to get it right.

I'll remind myself not to buy more begonia bulbs in spring because they don't do well on the porch. I had one bloom and the pot didn't fill out at all. If I remove them to save for spring maybe they'll look better next time.

Coleus pulled from outside planter weeks ago. Dropping petals from the blooms. Maybe I can save some seeds from them.

I saved seeds from my zinnias and black eyed Susan's and accidentally threw them away. I left seed head from the Susan's in the flower bed for the birds this winter. Maybe we can share. Hopefully autumn has arrived in your area. In mine the trees aren't pretty shades of red, gold, and orange yet. Sure hope our strange year haven't affected the changing of the leaves but I think it did. Many leaves turned brown and fell already. It's still early.

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