Sunday, September 29, 2019

Autumn In the City

What is fall without pansies. You hate them. That's okay.

Autumn at my house minus corn stalks. They haven't been plentiful this year but I'll find some for the door soon. Yesterday I spent time cleaning up the flower bed, pulled zinnias, and cut perennials low. It's looks better because it was wild and the zinnas huge but covered in powdery mildew.

A small boarder to deter cats and those walking dogs from using it.

Lantana always does well.

Dusty miller took all season to get to some size. It's hard here so it should return for another season.

Finally planted amsonia. Hopefully it has enough time to make new roots and adjust to where it's planted before winter. In the spring I look forward to true blue flowering blooms.

Two pieces of tiny fencing to try to deter cats from using the flower bed as a litter box. I should have enough to fence in the boarder but have to go out to the yard to get it.

This morning when I opened the front door to take pictures, a brown praying mantis met me on the yellow mum. I guess depositing it's eggs. I wondered what happened to them over winter and found that they mate, eat the male and deposit their eggs on trees and shrubs then die. The eggs hatch in the spring. Neighborhood boys also saw it. I asked them not to harm it and they returned to their scooters and playing. Hopefully this will give it time to escape before they return.

Black eyed Susan seed heads.

I cut them before pulling and brought onto the porch. Can't wait until next spring for more.

I had herbs and lettuce here but they did awful in our heat so I removed them.

Can't believe it's been so hot that the first pumpkin I bought died. Completely rotted on the porch without warning. The porch is smelly from the juices although I cleaned up. Hopefully the smell will wear out soon. I bought this one yesterday. Last fall pumpkins and gourds were more expensive maybe due to poor yield due to the weather but this year they're much more reasonable.

I have to take in alocasia and bird of paradise. I've been spraying it for insects. Not the spider killer and organic spray and systemic. The spray is for the porch in the corner where spiders seem to love the porch.
I've been preparing the few houseplants I have on the porch to come inside. Alocasia, bird of paradise, and urn plant. Now ready to come inside. I've been treating them for weeks with spray and a organic systemic granules.

Haven't treated my pothos yet but need to start. Our weather has been from extreme heat still to cooler fall like days. One morning soon they'll be frost.

Wouldn't dare take the Boston fern in for leaves to be everywhere. Also every flying insect that came onto the porch was drawn to this. It's no telling what's in the soil.

Got loose at the garden center again on Saturday. Didn't realize I bought the same narcissus last fall. And bought another pack of dwarf iris forgetting I'd already bought a pack of them already but I love them so it doesn't matter.  Orange tulips I buy every year this variety is available. They're my favorite. Still waiting for an order from Colorblends and another from Van Engelen.

I've never seen stakes this big and long. They'll give some support to my forced hyacinths soon to arrive. I ordered the exhibition variety so we shall see. Back out front.
Another aster from Primex Nursery. I also bought 2 other perennials that were discounted from 14.00 dollars to five. Two cardinal flower plants. Can't wait to see them next season. Hopefully they have time to develop a good root system before fall. I'll have to go back. I'm waiting to see if Brunnera Jack Frost will be discounted. Can't imagine paying 24.00's for one. They would go in the yard.

The plant in front is cardinal flower.

Will wait for frost for the vinca to die then I can add bulbs to the container.

Have to work on this container in the spring.

Salvia is still blooming nicely. And what's going on inside the house?

Lemon lime philodendron put on a pole. She's done good since coming to my house.

My hoya is still living and forming new growth.

Amaryllis doing good and has grown a baby. I'll have to put it in a larger pot before it's ready to bloom again.

Finally found  a place they seem to love, until it gets cold and the window is drafty. I shall see.

Maiden hair ferns still alive although they're starting to look different. Hope death isn't coming to them.

Harvest in the doll house. One room decorated so far.

Need to go. The baby's awake.

And I have to make the bed.

They already have their Christmas tree.

Sindapsus wasn't this big when I bought it. Guess it's time for a hanging pot.

Golden pothos is actually still alive. I forgot to turn her so each side gets sun and she lost some leaves.

You know we can't visit without something fresh.

That's my favorite one.

Lets visit again soon.

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