Sunday, January 26, 2020

It's Time

The holidays are over. It's time. Have you started any seeds? 

One year I'll clean my containers after use so they'll be ready for the next season. Hasn't worked yet. I dread clean all the pots and containers. Would be easier to just get started with clean containers.

Using pellets

Warm water added to expand pellets.

Pelleted coleus seeds.
One seed sown in each cell on top pressed into the soil but not covered. Coleus and begonias both need light to germinate. Some cells have 2 seeds. Sometimes seed companies give extra seed probably more in case some don't germinate.

Cleared off shelf of plants, wiped it down, and then turned on the heat mat to warm up the coils before unrolling.

Four days later the coleus started to germinate.

Hard to see but the tiny green spots are begonias. They have a long way to go.

Squeezed them onto one shelf. Now I need another shelf for seeds that have germinated off the heat mat. Light's stay on for 16 hours. What's going on with those bulbs in containers on the porch?

Waiting for spring.

Always nice to come to the door and find a surprise. Ordered this week and didn't expect them this soon. Burpee had a good sale on amaryllis and I picked some colors I haven't had before.

Five ordered. Two with green blooms. Can't wait to see them, and 2 sort of pink, white, and red mixed, and one shade of red mixed with white. They're nice and healthy and firm. I'll start them
another day. 

Red Lion Amaryllis blooming now in the house.

Went through my seeds today to see what else I'd like to sow.

Newest house plant. Pothos marble queen or possibly snow queen.
For the critters. The seed wreath placed in the yard for Christmas was devoured.

I've learned cranberries weren't a hit. Of course the seeds went first, then the pumpkin.

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