Sunday, February 16, 2020


I'm still here. Waiting patiently for spring. Stated the first seeds in January with poor results. Coleus and foxgloves are easy seeds to start. This season I ordered from a different company and had poor germination with the seeds. By this time there are usually 2 trays of coleus but not with the first sowing. I have a few plants. Started another pack today of mixed types. Lets see what happens. We've had little snow this winter less than 1 inch. In previous years, at least 15 inches. Not complaining. It was nice to have many days in the 60's and upper 50's. Each day has been different. Outdoors trees have set buds and heather is in bloom in my neighbors front yard. Didn't realize heather is a winter blooming perennial. Maybe I'll try again with it. A mix of shade seeds direct sown have started to germinate. Will they make it with 12 degrees last night? Bulbs planted in containers on the porch emerged weeks ago and those planted in the soil and in containers out front are starting to emerge. Other perennials like sedum have begun to wake up and grown. Foxgloves in the front flower bed are developing new leaves. While indoors most but not all house plants have survived and several new plants came to live here.
Spent winter after work, tending houseplants and now starting and glazing at my seedlings.
Forty pelleted coleus seeds plants any these are the survivors. Usually I have 2 trays of coleus seedlings.

Dragon wing begonias. They look different than the last ones started a couple of years ago. I hope a mistake wasn't made with the seeds sent. Time will tell.

Planted salvia and din't label them. I think that's wheat they are. Not looking happy to be transplanted and probably lost those 2.

Started 8 pots of seeds last Sunday. Nepta for my cat, tomatoes, and nasturtiums are the first to emerge.

Leggy Tomatoes. I'll plant them up to the leaves when transplanted. All 6 seeds germinated. This is supposed to be Burpee's s sweetest cherry tomato. Looking forward to tasting it.

Got loose in the plants this weekend. Had to have this hydrangea and some roses.

What I've been reading this weekend.

Prince of Orange Philodendron from the nursery and the Chinese Evergreen below. Hope they do well here.

Also bought a lilac and Hardy Chicago fig and forgot it was in my car trunk. Not a good start for them. The leaves were perky when I got them.

Changed the wreath out for a little spring. Four more weeks and cherry blossoms will be in bloom. Can't wait. What about you?

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