Friday, May 5, 2023


Plants grew quickly and I've squeezed too much in a small flower bed. Orange tulips were beautiful but I didn't take pictures. I'll pull them soon and maybe it won't look so crowded. But I do have sunflower seedlings and zinnia inside to move to the bed. Nothing looks like I wanted it to but there is still time. It's only spring

Phlox is always pretty.

Hollyhock's a big girl. Returned from last year.

There was a fern in this container that lived all winter and then died in the spring. The hosta has taken over. When the pansies die down I'll rearrange it and plant some annuals probably impatiens.

Hydrangea Annabelle is surviving but will need a large container.

Pansies are still doing well but I may pull them this weekend and put in summer annuals.

Cone flowers, a dying small rosemary plant and lavender. Planted them in cactus soil which has lots of sand but the rosemary said no. I'll have to pull it up.

For my daughters' containers.

My seedlings soon to go outdoors. Pelargoniums, coleus, and nicotiana.

Some for my daughter and some for me. A geum and phlox David in there has already been planted in the ground. The phlox has to be planted also. Probably in the yard. That's another story. I have to get back there.

A planter will go here and I'll give these sad vinca to my sister. What ever small bulbs I planted in the clay pots didn't emerge. I'll let the foliage turn brown and save them to emerge next spring.

I love annual salvia and so do the pollinators.

Lantana is going to my daughter's tomorrow to get something in her planters.

Hope the cone flowers bloom this year. They're supposed to be a pretty pink/salmon color.
The orange and purple is not doing it for me. It's early still and it can be replanted. Nothing like the approaching heat to kill things. Especially when I don't water them,


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