Sunday, April 29, 2018

She's beautiful!  Tiarella  will spend the spring blooming and hopefully will return next spring to bloom with spring bulbs. Spent the morning at Primex Garden Center along with everyone else who had the same idea. Got the last parking spot which has never happened before. Sunday is not a good day to go.

I consider them early Mother's Day presents.

Pansies, salvia, and alyssum.
Looks like my parsley seedlings last spring. I had no success with them this year. The hazards of too many seedlings and little space. So, the next best thing is to buy some herbs. To be planted with other herbs and kept on the porch.

Finally geranium cranesbill for the yard.

Angolenia. Why did I pick a nice full pot and then this single one? Could of gotten more if I took my time.

Love silver foliage plants. Sorry forgot to turn the tag around with it's name.

Impatiens for the yard.

My Swiss chard has a long way to go to get to this size.

Bibb Lettuce

Wild ginger native to the United States. Hope it does well in my yard.

Bought a new bird house. The wood one I had fell apart. But, didn't get the bird seed they had. Instead I went to Home Depot to get black oil sunflower seeds and bumped into this. They don't sale bird houses or seed anymore. I'll go back to Primex another day and take my daughter to keep me in control.

Tried to pick out the healthiest looking one.

Finally a reasonable priced oxalis triangularis from the produce market for $3.00's.

Couldn't leave the dahlia.

For the birds.

When the plant shelf is empty, going to start these for fall to bloom next spring.


Had to have some orange pansies before their season is over.

Tulips finished blooming and remove. Will replant with some of the plants from Primex when there's time.

Didn't order white tulips. They were a surprise.

There was a lot of this type of sedum in this bed. Maybe it'll fill in again.

I think this succulent is in the kolanche family. It looks like this may be it's last season. I've had it for several years but it's never been this small.

Montauk daisies are beautiful but they're starting to take over a tiny flower bed like the last time I had some and removed them for the same reason.

Poppy looks small in the picture but it's huge. Not something I could plant more of in this bead.

Planted my foxglove seedlings today some of them. I'm a proud mother even if I have to wait until next spring to see them bloom.

Lilies from last year did return.

This is why I don't normally pay a lot of money for plants. Look at my broom bush, dead. Thinking of what evergreen shrub to replace it with for the least amount of money.

Hopefully the broom bush in this container will bloom. Creeping Jenny returned. I'll get more of this for my planters it was pretty last season.

Lets see what's blooming in the yard.


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