Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Weekend- In The Yard

Planting time for rhododendron, sweet potato vine, sweet autumn clematis, vinca, hardy begonia, nicotenia, hosta, foxgloves, canna, hellebores, foam flower, and impatiens.

Tulips pulled and a few more left in the flower bed until another day. It's starting to look better already.

Canna I planted a while ago and now up and ready to be transplanted. That's last years coral bell that I never planted. It seemed to do good all winter in its nursery pot. Looks better than ones in the ground. They probably like more sun than they're getting. They're alive but have never thrived in my yard.

Bulbs are mushy with all the rain we've had and lots of gnats, earth worms, and creepy crawlies in the dead foliage.

Pollen has finally stopped falling and shade arrived from the tree canopy.

Sad to see the pansies go.

Wouldn't believe that these were tulips. It's been so much rain that the bulbs have rotted. Not a fun job with all the mush.

Cut the dead leaves from the hellebores.

Remove pansies but left the alyssum. Hopefully it'll bloom again.
Looking better already. I'd better water the foxgloves. The ones out front are huge from all the rain. Lets see what these do in the shade. A few more are on the seed shelf that need planting.

The hardy begonia from Select Seeds had done well all this time waiting to be planted and the wild ginger seems to like it's new home.

Sweet Autumn Clematis

Trimmed all the dead leave off the hellebores. I hope they do well and I see their beautiful blooms in the spring.

Two carex  don't look good. I think a trim will help them develop new foliage. This should have been done earlier but I don't cut the others in the yard so I didn't think these would need a hair cut. One tiny rose.

Laughable! Tomato time. They may not due well either with little sun.

And in bloom. Can't make a meal from them.

Peony, no blooms but pretty.

The lilies are as tall as me.

Nicotiana finally made it to the yard.

Container needs more soil this year it was very low. I guess soil is living and organisms break down organic matter. Maybe that's why my bleeding heart was reduced to that tiny growth this year.

To plant another day.

Have to work on this bed as usual.

The yard actually does get some sun during the day.

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