Monday, May 7, 2018


Alliums seem earlier this year. Spring is such a beautiful time of year. Although I didn't post pictures of the neighborhood in bloom this spring, the trees and blooms were beautiful. Philadelphia didn't disappoint so far with lots of  neighborhood farmer's markets, plant sales and gardening events. It's always fun to experience other gardeners as in love with God's gift to us and his other creations our pollinators and animals. Are you eating seasonal produce? It's one of the best parts of the season. In season now in my region 7a, radishes, peas and beans, lettuce, broccoli, and I believe strawberries. They're probably others. Peaches, plums, grapes, watermelon, other melons, summer squash soon to come.

Tulips have passed their prime. So beautiful for such a short time.

Time of the pollen and keeping windows closed at night to prevent waking up with a swollen face in the morning as my daughter did.

A blurry picture of a tiny broccoli head. All of the plants made tiny heads. I broke the others off and ate them raw in the yard. Did some reading on why heads would form this small and it's possibly the cool fluctuating temperature we had after planting it. The plants are tiny and although most broccoli will form side shoot I don't know if it's worth waiting for something that tiny. Tomatoes can go in their place.

Pleased with my chives this year and enjoyed some in a pot of homemade soup tonight.

Do you think I possibly can get a cabbage?

They're delicate little narcissus. Thought they wouldn't bloom this year.

Plants in waiting.

Tiarella is doing well while she waits to be planted.

Clean up time another day.

Hellebore with fresh foliage after being cut down to the ground.

Can't believe that's all the bleeding heart is doing this year.

Waiting to be planted.

Early version until small elephant ears planted in the container come up and caladium. Then I'll see how the planter looks and make adjustments.

My coleus seedlings did well.

They'll be done soon also.

Hibiscus for the sidewalk planter to replace the broom bush the died during the winter although it's not perennial.

Yellow broom bush in bud. Thought it may be dead also although there is a brown piece that needs to be cut off after it finishes blooming.

Daisies taking over.

Will miss the pansies when they stop thriving with the coming heat.

My foxglove seedlings are surviving.

Yes I bought another majesty fern. Killed last summers one over the winter. This year, I'm leaving it on the porch and see how I can insulate it. It may survive on the porch but I can't do anything with them indoors.

Canna, and dahlia's are the first to emerge in the pots. They'll be planted out doors.

I've enjoyed picking basal. My seedlings are still on the seeds shelf. It's easy to germinate and grow so we should have some during the winter.

Chives, thyme, and oregano. I have parsley but 3 days of heat in the 80's and 90's almost killed it. I'll give it a trim and hope it comes back.

Gerbera daisies continue to form new blooms. Until the real heat arrives.

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