Sunday, September 20, 2020

Almost Autumn


Rudbeckia Cherokee Sunset. The color is beautiful.

Rudbeckia Denver Daisy

Ornamental cabbage is supposed to be mixed with white. Supposedly Ornamental Cabbage Colorup White. We shall see if any color develops.

It's spot outside.

Not my normal color choice for Autumn pansies but I like them.

Don't know if the sunflower heads were ripe before I pulled them. They looked so bad. These seeds are white. I'm open one soon to see if seeds developed inside. This sunflower was a different type so they might not be black oil sunflower seeds.

Pulled the coleus yesterday, cut and put in water in anticipation of our second 40 degree night. My sister took them and the begonias pulled home last night for house plants. They may make it for replanting next spring.

Took the Chinese evergreen and begonia indoors yesterday. The Chinese evergreen didn't look good after it's second night of cold. Pothos, bird of paradise, and 2 maidenhair ferns will be taken in soon. It's early for this type of weather but beautiful.

Some pumpkins for the mantel. I have some firewood from last fall. Maybe I'll start a fire today. That would feel good because the house is cold.

I had a birthday since our last visit. Yes I was a fall baby and I love this season.

Rooting this piece of scindapsus. Looked like it was trying to die and maybe I can save it.

New arrival. Lipstick Begonia. From what the tag say's she may be needy. It came to the wrong house. I'll read up on how to care for it. Placed it in a terrarium for humidity.

My favorite is the cat card from my daughter.

That's me. Moving card with exercising leg. And I ice cream one of my favorites.

A cat's life. Must be nice.

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