Sunday, September 27, 2020


And next week October arrives. I love this time of year. As you can see I'm on my computer and watching a You Tube  video with Summer Rayne Oakes doing a home tour. The title is, What's it Like to Live in a Greenhouse?

Side view of the mantel. Then to the door to sit on the porch for a few minutes. It's balmy today. The air is thick and air conditioning would help but I've stopped using it until next spring or summer. Which ever season dictates turning it on. Birds are singing. Outdoor cats being mischievous. Climbing the tree outside my door and using the window unit air conditioner as a place to land when coming down from the tree. He obviously unfortunately catches some birds or else he wouldn't go up there many times every day. But one day he was deterred by a squirrel. Standing it's ground and daring it to climb up. My cat sits at the door and enjoys the antics.

She's arrived. I put a glass barrier between her and getting out the door although I believe she's too fat to get through. Although another cat visits and jumped over the glass and came inside not once but two times. The last  time marking it's spot by urinating on my chair cushion where my cat usually sits looking from her seat. We couldn't believe it but it happened. Had to put the cushions in the washer. I've had two cats and this has never happened. How dare it. Although I learned if there is no barrier in the door they will walk up onto the porch. I try to be careful because I don't want my cat catching fleas or getting any diseases from them because she's an indoor cat.
Wood arrived yesterday and it looks pretty and fresh this year. Will need to continue curing before I burn some. Looking forward to the first fire of the season although we've had plenty of 40 degree nights and cool days to burn what's left from last years delivery. It may be a while as we seem to be experiencing Indian Summer.

Sedum Autumn Joy in her pink.

Hydrangea purchase weeks ago from Bloom Box. Haven't decide if I'll let it stay in the pot since I repotted it, or plant in a small space in the front flower bed. Another shrub and some periwinkle which has taken over need to be removed first. I hate periwinkle and didn't plant it. Believe this is one of the lime light hydrangeas.

Helenium also waiting to be planted outdoors or may overwinter on the porch and plant outside in spring where I have a spot.

Chicago fig and lilac still hanging in there and should do well till spring.
Shasta Daisy Becky still in the pot. Daisies take over my flower bed but I was a sucker again.


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