Saturday, September 12, 2020

Late Summer

The weather is beautiful today. Almost like a fall day. Spent time after work yesterday with my sister at the produce market looking at pumpkins and gourds. Corn stalks were freshly picked and green which I prefer. But it seems too early to start fall decorating. Maybe by the last week in September. This didn't stop me from buying my first fall pumpkin. I chose a smaller one and my sister the larger version. 

In the flowerbed sunflowers are look raggedy and no longer pretty and their large heads have started to droop. Before dark yesterday I cut them down and saved the heads which still have seeds, for the yellow finches. Can't imagine what they thought when they came to eat today. Hopefully they see the heads where I placed them. I'm anxious to pull annuals from the flower bed out front, cut  perennials, and make the bed a little neater. The pollinators especially all types of bees, loved the annual purple salvia this summer. It grew taller than it's ever done for some reason. May buy it again next spring.

Kitty and I enjoying the weather on the sun porch.

My pumpkin. The sign said it's a pink pumpkin.

Something caught her attention, was it the pumpkin I just placed there or another cat, squirrel, or bird outside?

The corner by the window has gotten junkie again. Always ends up being a good place for the shovel, rake, broom, charcoals, and what ever.

My fig in the center has done well. In the spring I'll up size the pot. With it on the shelf are a oak leaf hydrangea and the second lilac I've bought since spring. Also a daisy to go in the flower bed out front when I pull the annuals.

Sedum Autum Joy is always ready for Autumn.

Lilac, fig, and hydrangea again. The lilac I purchased in spring was wonderful and it's aroma filled the porch. Loved it and thought it was dying this summer. Although I watered it frequently as it begged for almost every day. One day all the leaves wilted, didn't respond to watering, and dried up. I thought, it's dead. But no, it started getting taller with new growth. I guess this is in preparation for spring. It was purchased with the intention of keeping it a container shrub on the porch and actually has done well. Can't wait for those spring blooms. Forgot, it has to survive the winter on the porch. Should do okay, it hardy to my area. This will also be the Chicago fig's first winter on the porch.

Northern fern, Chinese evergreen, and  begonia will soon begin the transition to indoors. After they're checked and spray for critters.

Potting mix and seed starting mix already purchased for fall container bulbs. They should start arriving soon and probably most won't be planted until after Thanksgiving up until before the ground freezes. Thought my hyacinths should be arriving now. I purchased some for forcing this year. Didn't force any last season but put them in container for the porch and they bloomed in spring.

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