Sunday, June 10, 2018


It's a miraculous process to see something living grow from a tiny seed and become a plant and then bloom or in the case of vegetables produce food. But I'm just planting my pelargonium seedlings. And, getting excited to start some seedlings this summer which will be a first for me.  My seed shelf is finally clear and can be cleaned for the next round of seedlings. My foxglove seedlings are beautiful out front but those in the yard are still tiny and eaten by slugs or snails. So I plan to start more and get them to a good size before planting them in the yard in the Autumn. Hopefully they'll have time to develop a good root system and they'll be less pest to eat them before the weather turns cold.

Pelargonium summer showers will be put in 1 hanging basked and zonal geraniums in another. They should have started blooming by now but I haven't been a good parent. The last coleus seedling indoors. That type usually get real bush like when planted in the ground.

Still tiny because I never transplanted it to a larger pot. Bad parent.

The last foxglove seedling. Ill leave it on the porch until it grow more then transplant it outdoors. Can't wait until next spring to see them bloom.

I added BT pellets and mixed them into the soil and watered them. Hopefully there won't be a problem with gnats when I bring them inside this fall. Have to find my gravel to add to the top of the soil to prevent gnats from laying eggs.

My hot pepper was covered in aphids. I washed them off with a stream of water then replanted and sprayed the leaves with a organic spray made of celery seeds and herbs. Lets see if it works.

Sitting here until I find another place for it. Hopefully it does okay because I wanted to save it to take indoors for the winter but the aphid problem with have to be controlled in order to do that.

Nicotiana seedlings never separated. I ordered 2 seedlings from on-line before I planted this pack of seedlings. Snails/slugs have eaten an entire one in the yard and the other isn't doing anything. I think I'll separate these and plant them out front in the only small space left and see if they'll grow and bloom before frost.

Basil and oxalis. It's evening now and a steady heavy rain is falling. The garden should love the rain. Blessings, and sleep well.

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