Sunday, June 24, 2018

The Weekend

This morning on the porch with kitty. It's sticky today for the second day. Temperatures aren't extreme but the humidity is high.  It won't be long before it's time to take in plants. Most of mine stay indoors year round to avoid bringing insects inside. Even being careful to spray them, some will come in on plants and in the soil. This summer in August, I'd like to start lettuce, radish, beets, carrots, kale, and collards on the porch for a small crop to harvest during the fall and winter for as long as they survive. Some of the plants will need to be removed to make room for containers. The Greenhouse Gardener's Companion book I bought has been helpful with good information on growing on a unheated sun space although I question the plants listed that would grow and bloom on an unheated porch. Last winter I learned how I could stretch the growing season for flowers especially hydrangea who's blooms lasted months. Hellebore's also did very well and as always pansies and violas which love the cold although violas do better. Kolanche and Thanksgiving cactus will also do well up to a point. I let my cactus out for too many cold days and it died. My thyme plant died. Don't think I'll be trying to start any from seed again but I might since I have seed to use. They did well in my yard for several winters before the plant died. It's nice to go out and pick herbs in winter. Parsley even lived through the winter one year. That might be good to grow on the porch.

She's coming inside now after a nap.

The mum's are beautiful and I couldn't leave them at the market.

Today's task. These are aloe I removed from a large pot.  They came to live with me from Georgia after my mother's death.They lived outside year round there. I don't like unruly plants but it's something that my mother touched and cared for and I imagine it still contains her essence. So I'm going to try to do something with these and hope they survive. I repotted all except the mother plant. More cactus soil needed.

Brought up 4 amaryllis from the basement. Long over due for forcing. Hope they make it. I repotted 3 in fresh soil.
It looks strange, elongated and pale from being in the dark. Haven't had a problem with fungus gnats in them since I learned to cover the soil.

Lilies for the table.

Celosia. Fall has arrived already in the nursery.

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