Sunday, June 3, 2018

Shade Window Box

I've never paid that much for petunias.  For the window box in the sun.

Impatiens, begonia, vinca, and hosta for the window box in the shade and petunia, vinca, and sedum for the box in the sun.

Something that can tolerate sun for the box in direct sun, and hopefully it'll return in the spring.

Although I didn't show the box with it's spring planting, there were tulips, daffodils, and pansies.

Still trying to get perennials that will return each year in the boxes.

Vinca also added for something to trail over the side. Sweet potato vine may also be added. Then I planted the sun window box. Sorry thought about pictures after I finished cleaning up and shut the window.

Tomatoes and cucumbers planted. It's cool today and cloudy. They don't look as if they like the transition from the porch to the yard. All but one came from the nursery so they were already hardened off. Don't know if I'll get any cucumbers or tomatoes because of added shade from the canopy of trees. If I don't have branches from the tree cut this summer, I won't plant container vegetables next season. It also hasn't been the best spring for vegetables in my area. Too wet, and they didn't do well. Broccoli didn't thrive and formed smaller heads than I usually have then went to seed. I pulled the bolted lettuce today. Swiss chard is not thriving and still tiny.

There are a few blooms on the tomatoes but maybe that's from the sitting on the porch with bright sun. They're in the yard now. Lets see if they do anything.

This cabbage was suppose to be mature in 45 days. Oh well. I'll leave it and see what happens. I have 3 plants. This container had strawberries in it last year. A seedling left. It was tiny but it's grown.

Bloom on the hardy begonia.

Foxglove seedlings not doing well in the yard like the huge ones out front and something is eating them.

Seeds dropped from squirrels eating at the bird feeder drop to the ground and sprout. Lots of sunflower seedling are all over the yard.

Heuchera waited a whole year to be planted. Geraniums was also planted today.

Just plant the rhododendron a week ago and they've grown.

Something is also eating the begonia leaf.

Autumn fern surprised me and has sprouted some new leaves. From now on I'll cut the old foliage in the spring. so far my hosta has not been food for insects. It's early.

Hard to believe that I planted vinca in this container. It was empty except for 2 tiny ones today. I added coleus seedlings and lets see if these get destroyed. If they do, I have to come up with another plan. Today I removed 2 canna leaves with the bulbs eaten off. The bulbs were large.

Put 2 foxglove seedling her for now since the ones in the ground are being eaten and don't look good.

Bird seed on the table to refill the feeder. Slowly adding more mulch. I have to get another bag from the car.

This is the only way to keep squirrels from eating my lily and other bulbs waiting to come up although they've eaten ones in containers I didn't cover.

Going to have to work on my containers. Between squirrels, raccoons, and the weather things aren't looking like I'd like it to. Raccoons dig in the flower beds at night while I watch them from my window.

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