Monday, June 4, 2018

The Cardinal

Through the window. The cardinal was there also but Mr. squirrel is hogging the feeder. While the squirrel ate from the feeder, the cardinal ate the seeds dropped  onto the ground. The 2 seem to have developed an agreement because the bird didn't fly away. I went out several times to make him go so the cardinal had a chance to sit on the perch and feed. He actually came back with another squirrel as if they were going to do battle with me. I won this time but of course they always win because I can't sit her all day.

He's there. I'll wait until he returns.

I thought only robins were social but the cardinal returned while I quietly sat taking not the best pictures. He stopped several times and looked right at me. I believe God's creatures know whom they can trust.

The pictures don't capture how deep red his color is. He also sat on the table.

Niece to meet you also. He looked right at me. I'll get some decent pictures soon with another camera that can zoom in better.

It doesn't take much to make me happy. It's the small things like this. My sister has a robins nest with babies in her magnolia tree. I'll have to take some pictures soon. The robin is guarding her yard and makes a commotion when anyone comes into the yard. But we can view the nest through the kitchen window.

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