Tuesday, October 23, 2018

For The Spring

My sweet potato vine will return in the spring. Pulled the vine after work and look at the potato. Not too bad. Squirrels had been digging and uncovered it in the container. I had to beat them to it. Last fall they ate one. Maybe I'll cut some of the vines to try to root once again. They usually do well for a while then die. If they're alive tomorrow on the sun porch I'll cut some to try and over winter.

Mt Persian shield is another story. Pulled and replanted it yesterday and it's sulking and in shock. It's woody so although it'll loose all the leaves it may survive. All the leaves would drain it's energy anyway. Lets see what happens. I think the cold got to it. Although it looked normal outside in it's container it was shocked by our cool weather and when I pulled it up, not nicely, that was it. Did you bring any annuals inside to overwinter?

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