Sunday, October 28, 2018


Squirrels and raccoons behaved for a while then one morning, I came outside to this. Last year kids out being mischievous, destroyed some of the pumpkins on our street. This year they'll be one less for them to bother and I'll remove the ones in my container before mystery night a day before Halloween in the United States.

Plants are still blooming. We've had one night in the 30's but not below freezing. This was the first day using my defrost in the car.

Foxglove seedlings have done well all season. I'm looking forward to seeing them bloom in the spring.

Hyacinth bean vine is still surviving our range of temperatures.

It's not fall without a blue hydrangea on the porch for some color.

The Persian shield I pulled is still on the porch. Maybe it won't come inside. I haven't decided.

Urn plant is still on the porch. I've been hopefully getting rid of any insects with systemic granules and insecticidal soap. All summer I removed webs from it that came from the elephant ear. Thought of spider mites. Will probably isolate it first inside and keep it away from the other plants.

They remind me of sunflowers.

For starting my bulbs in containers, soon. Potting mix has been high but I had to buy some because I didn't have any.

Bulbs were half priced at the garden center. Couldn't resist.

In the house.

Amaryllis spike is getting taller. Hopefully they'll be more than one from the bulb.

Saga of the peace lily. Yesterday I thought it was dead! I've killed many so I'm trying with this one. Didn't want to over water her but a good watering revived her, yeah. Even new leaves since she's arrived although the booms have finished.

Aglaonema is also doing well since coming home.

I love crotons but they don't love me. Took a chance with this one for under $2.00's.

Spot for the winter.

Pothos moved from the kitchen where it wasn't doing well and moved to the dining room. I hope it does well here.

Re potted and loving the plant lights that have brought out the color in the new growth. Dracenas do well in my house. They're many plants I love but don't survive so my new motto is stick with those that thrive here.

Neon pothos cuttings the result of my daughter knocking down the plant. She didn't think I'd know. Of course I knew.

Apple cider vinegar caught every gnat in the house. Wish I'd tried it the year fungus gnats were a problem.

One of 2 African violets from off the porch. Hopefully it'll give me some blooms this winter.

Dracena needs repotting. Roots are coming out the bottom.

Coffee plant and jade doing good, so far. Checked hyacinths being forced in the basement. Some have filled their vases with roots and some haven't started developing roots.
Sadly I broke 2 leaves off my panda while transporting it home.

In her normal spot.

Found a new zz plant today. It's larger than the one that's been here several years. I love plants that don't require a lot of attention. Just water sparingly.

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